Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Going home

New Zealand
Last plane

Last plane

Last plane!

At the Airport

Ruth at the airport.

second plane.

Second plane

second plane

Ruth and I on the plane.

Mum and Dad on the first plane!

Paul and John on the first plane!

Tea at the Airport

So many bags

Before we knew it, it was time to go home.

I thought to make the LONG trip a bit more fun, we should take a photo at every stop over to see how tired we looked by the end of 40 hours travel.


It was lovely to catch up with dear friends after two years.

But all the harder to say goodbye again.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pennsylvania trip

Inside a Amish Quilt shop
Amish Farm

Amusement park

A few days ago Mr and Mrs Trickett took us down to Pennsylvania, Mum had been wanting to go down and see the Amish. Dad was going to Colorado for a week for study, so it worked out well to go. It was a 6 hour drive down there. We went to the Heresy Chocolate factory and the Hersey Amusement park. We also got a free tour with the Camping ground we stayed at so we got to see Amish farms and and met some amish at the quilt shops.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

His Mansion

Taking a well need rest after working in the hot sun for hours.
Working in the garden

For a few days the we went up to New Hampshire to help out at a ministry for people struggling with addictions, we went up there to help out. We stayed there for 2 days, we worked in the Gardens, cleaned windows, cleared land, and more. It was amazing to see their minstry and everything they are doing. We meet some amazing people that have overcome so much.
It was such a blessing to be part of it for a few days.

Yankee candle

We went to a large candle store. We had been there before in 2007 and had enjoyed it so much that we wanted to back again.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011